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We want to tell you about a new cruel practice, ‘bush racing,’ which is on the rise in South Africa.

We want to tell you about a new cruel practice, ‘bush racing,’ which is on the rise in South Africa. Our gentle equine friends are being hideously exploited for a greedy few, and they suffer major abuse and trauma.

We were contacted by a horse sanctuary that exposed this barbaric sport, which takes place in rural areas. These majestic creatures are forced to run on hot dirt roads whilst being mercilessly beaten.

The horses, usually stolen, are literally raced until they collapse and then discarded like a piece of unwanted trash.

Men bet huge amounts of money on the winner.

These barbarians use wire instead of bits and bridals and show no mercy when the poor horse’s mouth is cut. This makes it impossible for the horse to eat. Can you imagine being so hungry, yet you are unable to eat because your mouth is cut to shreds?

My team met Have a Heart Horse Sanctuary in Bonnievale, South Africa. The sanctuary has rescued some of the horses, and my team met one named Paddy.

Poor Paddy was petrified of people and struggled to eat due to the injuries she had sustained in this cruel ‘sport.’ Paddy needs rehabilitation which is very expensive and requires extensive veterinary treatment, care, patience and, above all, love.

Please, help us stop this cruel and evil ‘sport’ of bush racing by donating today. We need to raise awareness and educate the people on the proper care of animals, and this case, horses. They should not be exploited and harmed.

And we must help Paddy!

For the moment, we are focusing on treating the lucky few who have been rescued, but this is really very expensive because they often need intensive medical care. If you can, please help us to rescue the horses and fight this barbaric practice. These poor creatures need your help.

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Founder and CEO

P.S. It is only with the help of animal lovers like you, that we can continue our work to expose cruelty and help animals caught up in it. Please, if you possibly can, donate generously today.

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