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In Mirongoine, a remote village in Tanzania, donkeys are forced to do back-breaking work under truly inhumane conditions. Without water or food, they are critically overloaded and made to carry these loads 10 miles (16 kilometers) to and from the market every few days.


Sometimes, it takes four people to lift a single load onto a poor donkey’s back - and then another load is added! The animal will routinely carry this load in scorching heat. Ironically, some of these donkeys actually carry water to the market! Yet, they are given not a drop to drink.

Anywhere else this would be considered grievous abuse, but here in this dirt-poor rural African area, donkey suffering is just a way of life.


As animal lovers, we cannot abide such casual cruelty, where the Masai people who own the donkeys thoughtlessly abuse them, seeing them as nothing more than beasts of burden, born to suffer.


We knew we had to get the donkey's shade and water - FAST.

We are doing our best, but there are 1,000 donkeys and all of them need shade and water.

The donkeys desperately need your help!

Help us to take action by donating today!

Donate today

We visited the market recently and, standing in the blazing heat, we could feel our skin burning - but the moment we stepped into the shade, relief! Imagine how grateful the donkeys would be if, at the end of their long journey, shelter and water awaited them.

We need to build shade shelters for hundreds of donkeys and we must also lay pipes to bring in water to water troughs we have provided. (The local municipal authorities have given us permission to use a nearby water supply to fill the troughs, provided we cover the cost of the pipe system and the water the donkeys drink).


If we can raise $10,000 (£9,040), hundreds of donkeys will have new shade shelters and troughs filled with water. Imagine the utter relief these animals will feel when they take a sip of water in the shade after hours of grueling work? It will be the first time in their lives that these battered and abused animals have ever experienced an iota of human kindness. And you, right now, have the power to give that to them.


The situation is closely monitored by our partner, the Arusha Society for the Protection of Animals (ASPA), which is now visiting the donkeys every week. With your help, we will give hundreds of donkeys a gift that will transform their lives.

Help us to take action by donating today!

Donate today

Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. It is always so heartbreaking to watch these animals laden with load after load of heavy goods, never complaining or refusing to work. They literally work until their bodies give up. Your support right now will change their lives. It will bring them more relief than you could ever know. Please, donate what you can and give these donkeys the respite they so desperately need.

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