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A disaster has struck - the storm of the decade is threatening the lives of countless endangered sea turtles in South Padre Island, Texas. Many have died of the cold already…


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…and thousands more are at risk of freezing to death!

Temperatures have plummeted below 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius) as record-breaking snow and wind continue to ravage the coast of Texas, which is usually a haven for thousands of endangered sea turtles. And a crippling second storm is on the way!

Please, will you help us save as many of these turtles as we possibly can?

Time is of the essence!


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Being cold-blooded, these amazing creatures need external heat to regulate their body temperatures. Subjected to these frigid conditions, turtles become paralyzed by the cold and slowly drown, unable to move their flippers.

This is the largest sea turtle cold-stunning event to ever happen in Texas. After hypothermia sets in, the lucky ones wash up on beaches. The rest will drown, die of shock, predation or boat strikes.

With your help, we can save these gentle animals from a slow and excruciating death.


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We need to increase their body temperatures and get them medical treatment.

People are frantically rescuing as many of the paralyzed animals as they can and transporting them to the highly respected Sea Turtle, Inc. Rehabilitation Center for help. But the center has been overwhelmed for days, and thousands of sea turtles now line the floors of neighboring buildings, each one in desperate need of help.


The rehabilitation center URGENTLY needs 10 new water heaters to replace the ones that broke when the power supply crashed. These will heat the enormous 350,000-gallon rehabilitation tanks designed especially for sick and injured turtles.

If we don’t act now, these animals could die…
…and it will take decades for their populations to recover.


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Temperatures are the lowest on record in 100 years for the area, and sea turtles, unlike other sea creatures, cannot survive in cold water.

Together we can help these gentle animals recover, and give them a chance to be released back into the wild where they belong. They cannot survive this storm by themselves!

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. Please, please donate right now and help us provide them with the warmth and care they so desperately need.

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