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Imagine that you only knew a life on the streets. Imagine that you had no family to call your own.

Imagine that the only humans you ever encountered came at the cruel end of sticks that beat you, or stones that struck your skinny, lonely body again and again.

Imagine that your world was one where people judged you because you “looked” vicious... that no one ever bothered to look into your eyes and see the pain and sorrow.

This was the life of poor Cassius. He was CONDEMNED TO DIE for being called “aggressive” and had less than 24 hours left in his death sentence!

PLEASE will you donate what you can NOW to help save friends like Cassius?

Help us to take action by donating today!

Donate today

In truth, his only “crime” was being hungry, homeless and misunderstood - and ONLY together, can we turn awful fates like his around before it’s too late!

Maligned and scorned at every turn, Cassius took shelter in the only place where humans wouldn’t taunt him - a local school in Sangkhlaburi, Thailand, that was closed during COVID.

Then, the school started preparing to reopen. It wasn’t long before reports rolled in of an “aggressive” dog living on the school grounds.

Cassius was due to be killed by morning!

But then, our partners at the Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary SAVED THE DAY - they rescued Cassius and gave him hope!

Without your urgent support for innocent animals who pay the price of being homeless with bruises and death sentences in places like this impoverished, remote region of Thailand, there would be no hope for street dogs like Cassius.

Please, please help now if you can.

Help us to take action by donating today!

Donate today

You can look into his soft, sad eyes and instantly KNOW why we ask for your URGENT support now. Because you believe, like we believe: that EVERY dog deserves a chance.

Your donation now will help sustain the work of the Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary, for every Cassius still on the streets there. You’ll help stock their shelves with food. Fill their rescue vehicles with fuel. Keep their outreach alive and active in the community, to bring hearts and minds around. You will help pay for medicines, emergency surgeries, and more.

Help us to take action by donating today!

Donate today

You’ll help fund spay/neuter clinics, the moment they’re once again possible. AND help see that loving companions like Cassius get a chance at a forever home with a family who adores him.

Cassius was far from vicious!
In fact, since the Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary rescued him from death’s doorstep, he hasn’t shown one single sign of aggression!

Please, if you’re able, donate now to save more condemned dogs like Cassius and support vital outreach. Whatever feels generous and right to you is a massively urgent lifeline to the animals.

Thank you SO much for your love and friendship for Thailand’s street dogs!

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

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