Image-6_-Michel-Baljet_CBC_A-woman-holds-a-cat-on-her-lap-as-she-is-brought-across-the-Medyka-border-crossing-from-Ukraine-into-Poland-on-Sunday-1.jpg Image-6_-Michel-Baljet_CBC_A-woman-holds-a-cat-on-her-lap-as-she-is-brought-across-the-Medyka-border-crossing-from-Ukraine-into-Poland-on-Sunday-1.jpg

Yesterday, we asked for your help in setting up an emergency cattery and cat clinic on the Polish/Ukrainian border with our Polish partner, ADA Foundation. In normal times, ADA Foundation is a veterinary clinic and does not have a cattery, but when war broke out, it created one for Ukrainian refugee cats. Already, 100 cats - mostly sick, starving and totally traumatized from war - have found sanctuary there. But now ADA Foundation has completely run out of space for the cats, and many more are on their way. ADA Foundation turned to our supporters for help.

Today, we sent the cats $11,000 (£8,400) which is enough to make a start.

Help us to take action by donating today!

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But it is just a start. We still need your support (particularly now that the weekend is here - and it’s CERTAIN to be the deadliest yet)!


ADA Foundation has found an abandoned restaurant which, with your help, will soon be serving food to cats (instead of pizza to humans). Thanks to your support, work is already under way and by tomorrow, there will be space for another 50 cats - and those spots are already booked! We are working on creating more space as fast as possible.

Cat food is in desperately short supply, and as we write this, our team is scouring surrounding areas for more so that when they arrive, the cats will be certain of a welcome meal after their long journey.

You came through for the cats! Now we can give them a safe place to shelter when they complete their arduous journey from war-torn Ukraine. We have no way of knowing how many cats will eventually be evacuated from the war zone, but we do know that 74 cats are already on their way, but stuck in a slow-moving refugee column, and that more are following. We will keep you posted.


Bandages and other essential supplies are enormously difficult to find.

Our hearts go out to the cat and dog refugees. Can you imagine not being able to put food in your tummy no matter how hungry you are? This is the desperate reality on the ground in Ukraine.

We are snapping up any food we can find and distributing it to as many needy animals and shelters as we can. Your donations towards food have never been needed more, or more gratefully received. Any amount you can donate, no matter how large or small, will be used to put food into starving bellies. These animals are desperate!

Help us to take action by donating today!

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Dogs are being POISONED TO DEATH by Russian soldiers!


Anzhela Sheveleva, who runs the Animal Guardian Program in Zaporizhzhia, told our team that rockets are flying overhead and landing in the nearby Dnieper River. By text message she told our team, [It’s] very scary for the animals! Evil and cruel people poisoned a pack of dogs that had guarded the enterprise for many years.

The dogs were kicked out of their home, even though Anzhela’s team had created enclosures for them. When Anzhela found these doomed dogs - dogs she’d cared for and fed and for years - they were lying dead next to the kennels she had so kindly provided for them long ago…

Anzhela continues to risk her life and rushes out to feed and rescue animals during breaks in shelling. During one of her most recent search-and-rescue missions, Anzhela found a puppy who had been lying on a roadside beside his dead mother for three days. The puppy’s father was found and rushed to the vet, but unfortunately also succumbed to his injuries. The orphaned puppy is now in Anzhela’s care.

Oksana Zhurba of Ecoprotection of Starokostyantyniv (EPS), who we have helped since the start of the war, has used our latest donations to continue building and insulating new enclosures so they can take in even more abandoned animals. Up until now, they could only feed these animals because they did not have enough space for them. THANK YOU for helping to give a dog or a cat a home to sleep in today!


Last, our partner Alexandra Gavriluk-Levitska from Shelter Ugolyok managed to purchase more cat and dog food as well as some fuel supplies which should last for two weeks as they drive around feeding and rescuing animals whenever it is possible to do so. At least 30 more dogs are headed their way from the heavily bombed city of Kharkiv, and it is urgent that enclosures are built for them. We must continue to help them to ensure the dogs have a safe place to sleep.

Help us to take action by donating today!

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Your donations have fed and treated DESPERATE TERRIFIED and STARVING, animals injured by war for almost two weeks!


Anzhela and others like her - ‘hero’ is not a strong enough word to describe them - continue to fight day and night for the animals. Your donations…

  • become food for dogs and cats who may have not eaten for days or weeks,
  • pay for their evacuation and emergency veterinary care when animals are injured in Russian attacks or intentionally hurt by soldiers, and
  • are the difference between dogs and cats freezing to death in icy winter and having warm blankets to sleep on.

Help us to take action by donating today!

Donate today

We say this a lot, because it’s true: we WILL NOT GIVE UP ON THE ANIMALS OF UKRAINE and we hope that you will not, either. It is only with your continued support that we can feed, treat and - whenever it is safe and possible to do so - evacuate these animals to safety. Never has there been a more accurate definition of ‘lifeline’ than what your donations are providing to the animals of Ukraine right now!

Your kindness is being deeply felt by the cats and dogs of Ukraine. Please, continue to stand with them now - they are counting on you! Donate right now and help us to reach even more animals left destitute by this catastrophic war.

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. Every donation helps to provide hope, food and warmth to animals in the war zone. With your donation, we can reach more every day. Please, donate right now and help more animals. Help us begin our weekend of life-saving work as strong as possible!

Image credits: Banner:Michel Baljet/CBC, Image 1: Czarek Sokolowski _ AP Photo_Gazeta , Image 2: AP_Czarek Sokolowski, Image 3: Image 4: AP _ Andriy Dubchak, Image 5:AP, Image 6: AP /Twitter   

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