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It has been more than a month since war broke out in Ukraine - a month of terror, starvation, pain and abandonment for countless dogs and cats who have lost everything in this terrible war. The things we and our partners have seen, we’ll never, ever forget!

Since the start of the Russian invasion, you have stood by us, as we’ve worked day and night to help innocent animals caught up in the conflict. Your donations have been helping to save the lives of dogs and cats every day of this awful war. WE CANNOT STOP! The need to continue our life-saving work is as VITAL AS EVER! Your donations make it possible!

Help us to take action by donating today!

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Well over 1,000 animals have been evacuated to safety in Poland - and some are already being adopted into loving forever homes!


At the start of the crisis, we immediately began working with Polish organizations ADA Foundation, DIOZ and LAPA to help evacuate animals from Ukraine and bring them to safety in Poland.

Your donations have been critical to our partners’ daily work as they dodge bullets and bombs to travel into Ukrainian hot spots, deliver supplies to stranded animals and rescue as many as they can.

  • The animal ambulances you helped us purchase for ADA Foundation and hero vet, Dr. Pavlina Harasym, are making constant trips into the war zone to locate stricken dogs and cats and evacuate them to safety in Poland. So far, well over 1,000 animals have been rescued from some of the worst-hit areas in Ukraine.
  • The emergency cattery at ADA Foundation emptied out a few weeks ago as many of the cats were taken to a shelter in Germany, creating space for more cats coming in from Ukraine. There are currently 86 cats in the emergency clinic and the cattery which you helped us fund. The cattery is almost complete and fully equipped and will be running at full capacity within the next few days.
  • The adaptation center, meanwhile, is almost complete despite various delays in setting it up. The ADA Foundation team is stretched incredibly thinly - a situation not helped by the fact that it is delayed by up to 15 hours at the Polish/Ukraine border each time they enter Ukraine to save animals. Around 20 dogs and 8 cats have been moved into this center, and they’ll stay here until they complete their mandatory quarantine period or are well enough to move on.
  • During their most recent trip into Ukraine, ADA Foundation was able to deliver medication and three tons of food to a shelter in Lviv, and evacuate sick, abandoned animals needing urgent veterinary care. The dogs were taken to the new adaptation center.

Thanks to your support, there is a ray of hope
for the dogs and cats at Best Friends Shelter in Kyiv!

Help us to take action by donating today!

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Kyiv experienced such heavy attack that, for weeks, it was impossible to enter the hellish region. But this week, our brave and tireless partner DIOZ managed to rescue 100 wounded animals from shelters in the region, including 25 dogs and 30 cats from Priiut Best Friends Shelter, which had been desperate to evacuate its animals but was situated in an extremely dangerous area.

  • Sadly, the DIOZ animal convoy, including Dr. Pavlina, was stopped at the Polish border where the veterinary inspectorate wouldn’t permit them to cross over into Poland with the 100 animals on board. The team made a spur-of-the-moment decision to rent a house in Lviv to have somewhere safe to keep the animals until they can work out a solution. When we say they are animal heroes, we mean it! We have only the greatest admiration for their commitment to the safety and care of abandoned Ukrainian animals.
  • Earlier this week, volunteers at LAPA collected animals coming in from bombed shelters in Ukraine and delivered a van full of food to homeless street animals. Local people in Ukraine scatter this food wherever they possibly can so the animals may get a square meal.
  • Nine dogs arrived at the LAPA shelter over the weekend and are being housed in the kennels your donations helped fund. LAPA is desperate for more dog cages as more and more dogs pour in. Currently, its funds are being used to build fences and carry out mandatory disease tests on Ukrainian animals, so that they may hopefully be adopted after their quarantine periods.
  • Lucky dog, Tobisia, is one of the rehoming success stories to begin slowly emerging from this terrible time. She arrived at LAPA from a shelter in Lviv, and soon a Polish family fell in love with her, began taking her for walks, and finally adopted her into their lives forever. Without your donations, this wouldn’t have happened!

Tobisia with her new family

Our partners on the ground in Ukraine continue to risk their lives every day to feed, care for and rescue the stricken animals of war. Without your continued support, none of this would be possible.

Help us to take action by donating today!

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We continue to support the work of our brave partners in Ukraine who, despite the horrors of war, continue to care for the abandoned, starving, shell-shocked animals of Ukraine.

  • Shelter Ugolyok evacuated its @myhome.sanctuary in the occupied Kherson region where the lives of their animals were threatened by heavy daily attacks. The shelter packed its vehicles full of animals and risked their lives to bravely venture to a safer area, despite the lack of green corridors. Their other rescue center is in the (currently) safer Dnepr region.
  • Anzhela Sheveleva and her guardians continue to use our funds to purchase medication and wet and dry food for the animals of the Donbas region. Anzhela also managed to reunite a woman from Zaporizhzhia with two cats she’d been forced to leave behind when she fled Ukraine. They are all safely together now in Warsaw, and Anzhela hopes this will be the first of many happy reunion tales.
  • Oksana of Ecoprotection of Starokostyantyniv (EPS) says its team has lost count of the number of animals it has taken in, but fortunately, it has been able to build more kennels thanks to our donations. Since the fighting started, EPS has taken in countless dogs, puppies, cats and kittens, and even pregnant dogs and cats. The new kennels were completed in the nick of time because Starokostyantyniv was bombed on Tuesday night (March 29), just 1.2 miles (2 kilometers) from the shelter. The more kennels EPS can build (and fast), the more animals it can save from death by bomb blasts and airstrikes.
  • With the help of our donations, our partner Vetmarket Pluriton is continuing to travel around Ukraine on feeding missions, delivering ton upon ton of animal food to starving dogs and cats in treacherous areas like Kyiv and Irpin. Vetmarkets’s pet food manufacturing plant is once again operational.
  • The Kyiv Animal Rescue Group (KARG) had, as of last week, completed 18 trips to rescue animals from emergency situations, including a cat stuck in the vent system of a bomb shelter and another with severe injuries following a bomb explosion. KARG has evacuated many animals to Poland and continues to rescue more animals while delivering desperately-needed food supplies to shelters and animals in the surrounding areas.

IT CANNOT BE OVERSTATED: Every single day of this war, YOUR donations are helping to save the lives of helpless animals caught up in this terrifying conflict. Our work would not be possible without your continued support. Please, don’t give up on the animals of Ukraine now!

We’ve told you before, but we must repeat it: WE WILL NOT GIVE UP on the animals of Ukraine! We promise to keep doing everything we can to help them, and with your support, that’s exactly what we’ll be able to do.

Whatever you’re able to donate, no matter how large or small, will have a life-changing impact on a terrified, homeless, starving animal left alone on the decimated streets of Ukraine.

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S It is no exaggeration that none of our work in Ukraine or Poland would have been possible without your donations. Every time you donate, you give a lifeline to an animal that may otherwise die in bomb blasts or through starvation on the obliterated streets of Ukraine. They have no one, except us, and you. Without you, there’s little chance they’ll make it out alive. Please, keep donating as much as you possibly can, and we promise to keep doing everything we possibly can to GET THEM OUT!

Image credits: Banner: GLEB GARANICH_REUTERS/Twitter/Dominic Dyer, Image 1: ADA Foundation, Image 2: Taiwan News_Rodrigo Abd_AP, Image 4: UNICEF_/UN0598136/Moskaliuk, Image 5: STRINGER_REUTERS_CBC, Image 6: LAPA, Image 7:India Today/AP Photo, Image 8: SERGEI SUPINSKY VIA GETTY IMAGES_The Huffington post Greece, Image 9: The Kyiv Animal Rescue Group

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