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We hope you are aware that, thanks to our supporters, we have been rushing emergency aid to abandoned dogs and cats in Ukraine as war rages in the country. We are doing our best, but the situation is worsening by the minute - it’s already so much worse than it was just a few days ago when we first started helping the animals. Please, continue to help us come to the immediate aid of animals in desperate need!

Help us to take action by donating today!

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There are reports of Russian snipers using abandoned dogs for ‘target practice’, shooting the animals in cold blood as they desperately forage for food or seek shelter. Can you imagine the brutal mindset of individuals who would do this to terrified homeless animals - in the midst of war? THIS is why it’s critical that we continue to help as many animals in Ukraine as we can. We must NOT turn our attention away from these desperate souls.

People are fleeing, animals are being abandoned and killed. ‘Heartbreaking’ doesn’t even begin to describe the distressing scenes on the streets.

Right now, more and more animals are pouring into shelters. While people - understandably - hunker down in bomb shelters not sure if they’ll live through the night, almost no one is looking out for the dogs and cats left abandoned on the war-torn streets.


Dog hurt by shrapnel

WE ARE. We, along with our partners - and YOU, if you’ll stand with us, so we must to send critical aid to helpless dogs and cats in Ukraine.

No supplies, no money, no shops - cities are like ghost towns as people flee into bunkers and dogs and cats are left alone and terrified on the streets.

With every passing hour, prices are escalating and supplies drying up. Banks, markets and shops are shut or on the verge of closing. Transport is increasingly difficult, and a strict curfew (from 5:00 pm each day until 8:00 am the next morning) has rendered cities and towns all but desolate… EXCEPT FOR THE ANIMALS left roaming the streets as bullets rain from the sky and bombs tear up the streets.

The primary need these animals have right now is food. It is incredibly difficult to find pet food given all the logistical obstacles. However, we are working with companies that have access to cat and dog food, as well as the operational capabilities to deliver the food to the shelters that need it most.

Some fortunate animals are being rescued during ‘breaks’ in airstrikes.
Unfortunately, food is vanishing FAST.


Countless animals are not in shelters, but still on the streets and the streets are aflame. Whenever it is ‘safe’ to do so (and let’s face it, ‘safe’ is just an illusion during times of cold-blooded war), our partners rush out into the streets and rescue as many cats and dogs as they can. But that’s only half the battle won. Now, these animals must be fed and treated for any injuries they may have.

Through your donations, we have already been able to deliver 1,300 pounds (600 kilograms) of dog and cat food to our partner in Ukraine, Ecoprotection of Starokostyantyniv, which is situated close to an airfield near Khmelnitsky, the target of missile attacks over the weekend.

Oksana Zhurba who runs the shelter now has 300 dogs in total who urgently need food, medical attention and care - and many more are flooding in.

Help us to take action by donating today!

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This incredible woman goes onto the streets, despite terrible personal risk to herself, to use some of the food to feed abandoned cats and dogs in surrounding areas. Whenever there is a lull in the fighting, our partners rush out to feed and rescue as many animals as they can. The aim is to bring as many cats and dogs to safety as possible.

Terrified animals are cowering in fear as bombs fall and bullets fly. We can’t leave them to starve to death now! We MUST keep feeding the dogs and cats of Ukraine and we can’t do it without you. Please donate right now if you possibly can.

Help us to take action by donating today!

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With your help, we have managed to rush critical food supplies to shelters in Ukraine, but this is only the beginning. There are just so many abandoned animals and not enough shelters. We need to care for them on the streets in spite of the fear of snipers, bomb blasts and airstrikes. Truthfully, we are afraid for our team’s lives, but if we are scared, can you imagine what animals are going through? But we MUST help the dogs and cats roaming the streets with nowhere to go and no one to help… except us.

Please, continue to donate as generously as you possibly can so we can continue to rush aid to the animals of Ukraine. We are the only lifeline they have. We cannot, and must not, leave them to die in this war.

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. As an animal welfare organization, our priority is, and always must be, the animals. Few people focus on these voiceless, helpless victims of war, but our supporters do. We care about the animals, and we know you do, too. Together, we can be a sliver of hope for them in this dark and desperate time. We can show them that WE haven’t forgotten them - and NEVER will. Please, donate as generously as you possibly can so they can feel our unending support from all four corners of the globe.

Image credits: Banner: AFP/Kyiv Post; Image 1: Lilit Siminyu/_@_Leilaa_23_/ Twitter; Image 2: Andrei Stenin (RIA); Image 4: AP/ New Jersey 101.4

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