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As you know, Russia has resumed bombing civilian targets in cities far away from the battle zones of its invasion of Ukraine and announced it will massively increase the number of troops attacking Ukraine. As animal lovers, we can only imagine the terror and injuries that thousands of unsuspecting animals are about to have inflicted on them. They desperately need our help.

Help us to take action by donating today!

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Network for Animals has been saving animals in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, and we are still there helping animals when many other organizations have moved on.

As the co-founder of NFA, I can tell you that we have never experienced such an avalanche of need from starving, sick and wounded animals. Only with your support have we been able to save lives.


Credit: Vetmarket Pluriton

Help us to take action by donating today!

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We have found dogs with terrible shrapnel wounds and dogs so traumatized that they simply stare into space. They have experienced abandonment, injury and unrelenting daily terror as their homes have been destroyed and their families killed. Now winter is coming, and their suffering is about to get worse.


Credit: Army-Inform_Ukrainian-Armed-Forces

The animals can expect no help from Russia. We have never experienced such vicious behavior as Russian soldiers demonstrate day after day in Ukraine. When three of our volunteers were feeding and rescuing animals in July, Russian soldiers kidnapped them, looted and confiscated their animal food truck and then imprisoned our volunteers. Their release has only just been secured. One man was so badly beaten that he has head and internal injuries - and all three are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). All because they were being kind to animals!


Credit: Vetmarket Pluriton

You will be proud to know that this nightmare has not stopped us – and WILL NOT - from helping abused and abandoned dogs and cats. Nor has our partner Vetmarket Pluriton faltered. It is still taking food into and rescuing animals from the worst war zones, in a specially modified vehicle we gave them.


Credit:Dmytro Larin/Ukrayinska Pravda

NFA receives calls for help for Ukraine’s animals every day. As the war continues, the hardship worsens and animals suffer even more. There are pet food shortages and a constant need for veterinary care for wounded animals and more shelters to house displaced dogs and cats.


Credit: Vetmarket Pluriton

Today, I want to reach out and make a personal appeal to you and to all NFA supporters to help us feed and rescue animal war victims. Winter is coming, prices are rising, the Russians are coming, and the animals need help. We promise that with your support, we will not turn our back on these poor creatures until the war is over, and beyond.

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. With your support so far, we have managed to help more than 5,000 innocent animals left abandoned, wounded, homeless and utterly traumatized by the Ukraine war. We cannot stop now - the need is greater than ever, and the window of opportunity ever smaller. Please, donate right away so we can GET TO THE ANIMALS! They are counting on us!

Banner image: Serhii Mykhalchuk

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