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You will be deeply troubled to know that in the heavily shelled area of Bakhmut in Ukraine, animals are dying of heart attacks because of fear at the daily, relentless bombings happening just outside their shelter. We knew things were bad for the animals, but this is truly devastating.

The Bakhmut Community for Animal Protection (LADA), situated on the frontlines of the conflict in Bakhmut in Donetsk – one of the most catastrophically affected areas – has begged us for help. LADA’s four volunteers have been helping hundreds of abandoned and wounded animals since the war began way back in 2014. Now, as the fighting has escalated, the animals are so afraid that they are dying of fear. We must evacuate as many as possible right now. It is a desperate situation.

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War has filled the LADA shelter with 200 sick, wounded, disabled dogs and cats as constant daily shelling takes place. We have managed to evacuate 23 to safety, but there are still so many suffering creatures that need our help.

As more wounded and unwanted war animals poured in, the LADA team frantically built makeshift cages and enclosures to accommodate the dogs and cats. LADA soon reached capacity – 180 dogs and 20 cats – all extremely stressed because of the constant war raging around them. The team witnessed animals dying of heart attacks in the shelter because of their terror caused by constant daily bombings. We cannot turn our backs on animals in such conditions. We have evacuated 23, but we must continue our work to evacuate as many as possible before the LADA shelter is the next victim of this terrible war, and all the animals perish.


Blasts are happening every single day.
We must get as many cats and dogs out as possible before they become the next victims of war.

LADA does its very best to keep the animals calm, but it is virtually impossible to do so when bombs are falling on its doorstep. Some of the animals are given anti-stress medication to try to help them to cope, but the situation is untenable and we need your help to redouble our efforts to get them out.

Help us to take action by donating today!

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Our local partner, Vetmarket Pluriton, is ready to make the deadly rescue run to the shelter to bring out more animals. Please help by donating for fuel and for the urgent medical treatment these emotionally destroyed animals require.


Each evacuation takes time and fuel – which costs a lot, and nearly every dog and cat is traumatized. We must raise as much as we possibly can so that we can complete enough trips to evacuate these suffering souls and get them veterinary care. Make no mistake, the fighting is getting worse, and the animals are in the thick of it facing death or injury at any moment. It is so much better to evacuate an animal to safety than it is to amputate a leg or bury heart attack victims because help came too late. Please donate right now, as much as you’re able to, and help us get the animals out of the war zone and to safety.

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. Your donation right now has the power to help us get animals out of the most dangerous parts of Ukraine and to warm, safe shelters or foster homes where they won’t face the daily threat of awful, painful, death. Please, donate whatever you can right now and help us get the Vetmarket team on the road, and to the animals, right now.

Image credits: Banner, Image 1, 2, 3 & 4: Vetmarket Pluriton

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