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In the Western US, the unthinkable is happening AGAIN! Animals need you now!

Massive, murderous, chaotic walls of flames - MORE THAN 100 FIRES - are right now racing uncontrolled across more than a DOZEN STATES, OBLITERATING everything in their path.

Terrified dogs, cats, and livestock are trapped and terrified in the burning hellscape!

PLEASE SEND URGENT HELP to save frantic, stranded animals!

Help us to take action by donating today!

Donate today

It’s nearly impossible to describe the frightening speed and scope of what are now some of the largest wildfires in history. The media has called it “a climate reckoning”!

The deadly fires are not contained, and they are SPREADING.
We need your help NOW to save panicked animals trapped in the deadly burn zones!

Help us to take action by donating today!

Donate today

There isn’t a moment to lose...

More than 22,000 firefighters are working around the clock to bring the fires under control, to save people and animals.


Help us to take action by donating today!

Donate today

You may remember the devastating North Complex fire that raged across Northern California last September, consuming the town of Paradise in a tragedy that broke the hearts of a nation.

It was ONLY with the help of compassionate and lifelong animal lovers like you that dogs, cats, horses, and other friends were saved in those terrible, agonizing hours.

YOU helped us rush aid to some of the only organizations authorized to go into the evacuation area to save animals left behind.


Your support lifted burned, injured animals from the ashes. You saved lives that would have been lost. Your support lets us write a check IMMEDIATELY, just as when you also stood with other NFA supporters during the Australia wildfires and, most recently, the massive wildfires in Turkey.

Now the poor animals of the Western US are AGAIN IN HARM’S WAY!

For the lost, little kitten with the charred fur and melted whiskers, desperately seeking a way out, your support of $25 (£18) could mean emergency rescue and burn treatment...

For the smoke-parched and panic-stricken dog, running for his life with his little paws in tatters, your gift of $50 (£36) might be the miracle that will carry him from the flames...

For the wild-eyed horses and goats, seeking any escape from the popping, crashing wall of fire inching towards them, your donation of $100 (£72) could mean a trailer to safety and life...

Whatever you can donate, PLEASE don’t wait.
RUSH what you can to save animals trapped in the deadly wildfire burn zones now.
They need you, right now, more than ever!

Help us to take action by donating today!

Donate today

Thank you today and forever, for being a TRUE FRIEND to animals in dire need in the Western US and around the world - and thank you for being a true friend to NFA.

We’ll update you the MOMENT we know more!!!

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. We know nothing about this year has been “normal”. We know we have turned to you time and time again. But no animal deserves to die in the real-world hellscape of the Western US wildfires - the skies are so black with smoke that noon looks like night! ONLY with your support now, can we help save every life possible. Please be as generous as you can!

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