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On the Indian ocean island of Mauritius, tourists enjoy year-round sunshine at resorts with beautiful white beaches fringed by palm trees…

Many people call it “paradise,” but it is no paradise for the thousands of street dogs who live on the sub-tropical island of Mauritius – they are brutally treated and frequently hungry and sick.

They have lives of sheer hell and they need your help!

The dogs are tick and flea-ridden and often have open, untreated sores. If they are caught by the authorities, they are cruelly killed. Even having an owner does not protect them.

Hundreds of dogs are abandoned on the very same beaches that tourists flock to because their owners get tired of them, or they get sick and it's cheaper to dump them than to treat them.

The good people from the Mauritian Second Chance Animal Rescue (SCAR) took us on a search and rescue horror tour of “paradise”. Within minutes, we found an abandoned mother and puppy on the side of a road.

When we approached her, the puppy whimpered and shivered. One paw had an infected open wound full of maggots and oozing puss. Naturally, we provided veterinary treatment and SCAR will care for her until she can find a forever home. We named her Gracie.

Please help dogs like Gracie now!


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Gracie would surely have died if we had not rescued her. This is sadly the fate of so many stray dogs in Mauritius. These dogs desperately need basic care – shelter, food and veterinary treatment. To the island’s utter shame, they don’t get it.

They live lives of cruelty, abuse and hunger, and if they are caught our video shows what happens next.

The dogs are taken to a facility in the capital, Port Louis, where they are killed one-by-one – often in full view of each other. A worker throws a dog to the ground and holds it down while another punches a lethal injection through its chest and into its heart.

They sometimes miss!

Then the dog suffers a long and terribly painful death.


Help us to take action by donating today!

Donate today

SCAR is doing its very best to help street dogs in Mauritius, but it is small and has minimal resources. We have promised to help SCAR with food and to assist with medical care, and the need is so enormous that we really do hope you can make a generous donation today.

We also need to make it crystal clear to the Mauritius government that animal lovers like you will not put up with such government-sanctioned barbarity. Cruelty like this has no place anywhere, let alone a holiday island that is supposed to be a place of fun and laughter, and it must be stopped.

Ask yourself, would you go on holiday to Mauritius now that you know this happens? 

Please, make a donation, right now. It is important that we get URGENT funding to help the suffering dogs. We ask you to share this email with ALL your friends - the more people that know about this horrible cruelty, the better.

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. Mauritius is a small island so the abuse of street dogs can be solved, but people tell us the government just doesn’t care about dogs. We will work to change their minds, but in the meantime, hundreds of dogs need our immediate, emergency help. Please donate today if you possibly can.

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