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She was desperately sick. Impossibly frail.

Yet, somehow the little kitten knew to choose us out of all the people at the Philippines Wildlife Rescue Center that day.

We were there to check on the habitat for rescued monkeys that was recently expanded thanks to help like yours, when we spotted her tiny feline shape approaching.

Her exhausted blue-grey eyes were nearly swollen shut. The skin draped off her bones. How our hearts ached for the pain she must have endured so young, and all alone!

If you knew this tiny kitten was going to die, would you still try and save her? And will you donate now to show a suffering animal like her even a few precious moments of love and comfort before their achingly short life ends?

It’s what we are asking you to do today.

So please give now so NFA can ALWAYS do whatever it takes to help abused and exploited kittens, cats, and other animals who are suffering in this world.

Because there are people who would walk away from a sick, dying, abandoned animal. They wouldn’t give a second thought to the little kitten!

But not you. And not us.

We gently lifted Wilma into our arms. She was like a feather!

Someone sprinted off to find milk to re-hydrate her. Another team member tracked down a Rescue Center veterinarian.

We didn’t pause to discuss how much media coverage we’d get... or to consider how many donations would come in... or even whether Wilma might die...

We focused on one sick, sad, suffering animal who cried out for urgent care. Wilma.

This what your love and generosity make real EVERY time you donate to NFA! This vital work would be absolutely, utterly, 100% impossible without you and your generous support.

Wilma would have died alone.

Heartbreakingly the frail little kitten did lose her battle. But you need to know the gift you gave Wilma in her final moments... and the gift we ask you to please give another kitten, cat, or other animal who is suffering, when you make your urgent donation of even $35 to help, now...

She started her day as ‘just another homeless kitten. Then she saw a team of animal defenders who looked like they could ease her anguish.

In the span of that single day, because of you, we got her veterinary care. Made sure she was fed. And if she’d lived, we had already arranged a forever home with the caring Rescue Center security guard that we named her after...

Care. Comfort. Hope. Action. No matter the odds. Whether there’s a corner of your heart for cats or kittens or dogs or donkeys, your generous donation to NFA matters now.

For a kitten like Wilma, you were all she had in the end. And what a beautiful end you made, complete with warm milk for a tiny, hungry tummy.

Please give another animal that same chance with your donation today. We won’t always save them all, but you have our word that with your help now, we will never, EVER turn away!

With all our love and gratitude, thank you for helping.

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. Until Wilma found us, no one cared about her at all. When you choose to help the world’s most desperate, loveless cases of animal abuse, exploitation, and abandonment, you know you are all these friends have. Please. For another kitten or suffering animal like Wilma. Give generously to help now.

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