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If you have followed NFA for some time, you’ll know of our excellent partner, the Friend Animal Foundation (FAF) in Harare, Zimbabwe. When we stepped in, the shelter was in danger of shutting down, and all the dogs and cats would have been killed.

Fortunately, we were able to raise enough money to stop that from happening, and ever since, we have been helping them become the first self-sustainable animal shelter in Africa. But sadly, our funds for the shelter have run out and we desperately need to raise as much as possible to carry on our work.

Help us to take action by donating today!

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The shelter is home to hundreds of unwanted dogs and cats, in a place where almost no one has the willingness or means to adopt an animal.

FAF is a place of hope and safety for so many animals with tragic histories of abuse, neglect, and illness. The majority of these dogs and cats will live at the shelter for their whole lives. As you can imagine, it costs a lot to permanently house nearly 500 dogs and over 100 cats, so we must save money wherever we can.


It’s for this reason, we’re embarking on an ambitious plan to transform FAF into the first fully sustainable shelter in Africa - an off-grid shelter that no longer needs to rely on Zimbabwe’s expensive and unpredictable electricity supply for basic functions like cooking dog food.

Will you help us raise the funds to build Africa’s first fully sustainable animal shelter, giving a beautiful new life to hundreds of cats and dogs who desperately deserve it?

Help us to take action by donating today!

Donate today

If you can help put our plan into action, we will create an African first - a green, fully sustainable animal shelter – and immeasurably improve life for 500 cats and dogs. The money saved will be used to pay for much-needed improvements to make the animals as comfortable as possible. If they must live in a shelter instead of a loving home, then at least we, and animal lovers like you, can make sure they are well looked after.

FAF’s greatest expenses are pet food and electricity. So many of its precious funds go to covering basic operating costs before they can provide a bite of food to the animals. If we can reduce those costs the animals win!


Our plan is threefold:

  • To install solar panels to help offset the cost of electricity.
  • To install an efficient, cost-effective biodigester system. This system uses dog waste and other organic scraps like old food to produce methane gas. This gas can then be stored and used to cook food and heat water.
  • To establish a protein farm, using insects rich in protein, to create a highly nutritious food additive, creating less reliance on expensive shop-bought food.

By implementing these systems, the “pay-off” for the animals will be immense!


FAF will be able to create a better shelter for their lifelong animals, pay for more kennel hands to walk the dogs, create more comfortable spaces for their cats, and even take in more animals if need be.

In dirt-poor Zimbabwe, there are virtually no other organizations prepared to take in street animals - and those that do, often quickly euthanize them. We work to ensure that as many helpless animals as possible avoid this terrible fate.


Help us to take action by donating today!

Donate today

Please, help us transform FAF into a wonderful, warm, vibrant home for its very deserving four-legged residents. This dream CAN become a reality, with your donation right now - so please, donate whatever you’re able to right now, and be a friend to the animals of the Friend Animal Foundation.

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. A sustainable animal shelter will provide wonderful benefits for 500 dogs and cats. Your donation will go directly towards improving the lives of the animals in their care. Please donate now!

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