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How your donations helped recently

International animal welfare organization, Network for Animals (NFA), is involved in numerous projects around the world, and is a leading force against animal cruelty.

From dogs in the Philippines, to the donkeys in Greece, the lions of Africa, and the foxes in Britain, NFA has utilized public donations from around the world to make a better place for all.

“We try our best, despite the many dangers that confront us, but we will never stop helping animals because we believe that all lives are important – even our furry companions,” said NFA’s chief campaigner, David Barritt.

“We have had team members brutally attacked, we have been shot at, our informants have been threatened with death, and our lives are often at risk. But we are not fazed. We have a purpose and we intend to fulfill it.”

This is a summary of our recent activities; made possible thanks to the support and generous donations we receive from around the world. NFA has been able to:

  • Undertake rescue missions to save starving and distressed dogs in South African shantytowns;
  • Provide veterinary care to animal victims of brutal crimes in Italy, South Africa, the Philippines and Zimbabwe;
  • Provide food and care for animals in Croatia, Serbia, South Africa, Thailand and the Philippines;
  • Help move elephant families from hunting hotspots to safe areas in South Africa;
  • Carry out undercover operations in the Philippines to combat the illegal dog-meat trade;
  • Expose horrific cruelty to donkeys on the Greek Island of Santorini;
  • Help influence political change through persistent meetings, campaigns, media activities and petitions;
  • Provide funding to animal shelters in Cape Town, Dubrovnik, Thailand, Sicily and Malta;
  • Educate and implement awareness campaigns and roadshows about animal welfare;
  • Expose the cruelty involved in canned lion hunting, where captive lions are released into an enclosure so that people can shoot them from parked cars.

Barritt said: “We are proud of what we have achieved in recent months and plan to expand our operations to other places where animals desperately need help. Our philosophy is to operate in far-flung places where the need is greatest and provide meaningful help on the ground where it matters most.”

How would you like to help?

By supporting our work, you are reaching out with caring hands to stop animal abuse. Thank you for supporting us, and for supporting animals.

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