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Without our supporters, Network for Animals (NFA) could not do the work it does to improve the lives of animals around the world. Here’s how you have helped this month:


In Namibia, baboons are frequently treated as vermin and harmed. Baby baboons are often tortured in cruel rituals and their body parts sliced from their living bodies for use in traditional medicines. Our Namibian partner, the Co’Lu’Bi Sanctuary, is one of the few facilities in the country providing care and safety for injured and abandoned baboons. Thanks to our supporters, we’ve managed to raise enough money to provide medical supplies and other essential items that will help Co’Lu’Bi continue their vital work.



In Zimbabwe, more than 1,000 donkeys have been killed on the roads in just one year, while the “lucky” ones escape with horrific injuries, lacerations and shattered bones. Motorists often cannot see the donkeys, especially in the dark. But there is a simple and inexpensive solution - neck reflectors. When tied around the donkey’s neck, the reflective material shimmers and shines, warning drivers of their presence. They work extremely well, visible in both daylight and at night. Thanks to you, NFA has raised enough to start the project, and together with our partners, the MARES Donkey Sanctuary and Veterinarians for Animal Welfare Zimbabwe (VAWZ), we will immediately take action.



The recent violence in Israel has been devastating for animals. In the mayhem, animals were injured and many abandoned. But our teams went under fire to save as many as we could. Our partner, the Starting Over Sanctuary, found a horse, who we named Bar, tied to a pole and abandoned in a waste facility. He’d been there without food or water for so long that he could barely stand on his own feet. Our team stabilized him with intravenous fluids and now provides him with 24-hour care, thanks to the generosity of NFA supporters. But more and more similar cases of innocent creatures getting caught in the crossfire are pouring into the sanctuary from this tumultuous area, which is why we must continue to raise funds for essential food, supplies and medical equipment, necessary for their care and rehabilitation.


South Africa

Phoenix, a poor dog who fell victim to a maddened crowd of rioters in a slum in Cape Town, has risen from the ashes. Set alight and then doused in acid, it’s a miracle Phoenix survived. But thanks to our supporters’ help, we are overjoyed to announce that she has made a remarkable recovery. Our partner, Fallen Angels, is taking care of Phoenix, who we have discovered was born deaf, until she finds her forever home – which we know, with her quirky character, won’t take long.


South Africa – A little Act of Kindness

It’s winter in Cape Town and the city can get bitterly cold. Even though our beloved fur babies may have built-in fur coats, the cold can affect them very badly. This month, our team was delighted to be able to gift 185 warm blankets to the cats and dogs at our partner, TEARS in Cape Town. Sadly, there are countless cats and dogs out there with no way of keeping warm. Without dedicated organizations like Network for Animals, many of these animals will not make it through winter. These blankets will make a huge difference to 185 innocent animals, thanks to the help of our supporters. It’s a small act of kindness that will make many a cat purr.


South Africa – Have a Heart Equine Sanctuary

Our fight against cruelty towards equines continues as we expand our direct action across South Africa. The illegal sport of bush racing, the donkey skin crisis and donkey cart abuse are big problems that we are tackling head-on. We are proud to announce that our ‘Cruelty Investigator’ program is now underway and is planned to roll out across the country in conjunction with our partner, the Have a Heart Equine Sanctuary (HAHES). The program trains animal lovers on how to rescue, confiscate, prosecute and rehabilitate our equine friends in key problem areas.

World Donkey Day 2021

This month, we celebrated World Donkey Day. But the sad truth is that donkeys around the world are faced with abuse, torture and death. Millions of donkeys are at risk of being slaughtered for the horrific donkey skin trade, while others suffer because of poverty and cruelty. Because of this, we provide as many donkeys around the world as we can with safety, food and care. For years, NFA has worked tirelessly to improve the lives of these precious and well-loved animals. And with your continued support, we plan to keep on doing the work we do.

The Brian Davies Award 2021

We need your help to select this year's Brian Davies Award winners! Every year, Brian honors three people or organizations by awarding one grant of $10,000 (£7,000) and two grants of $5,000 (£3,500) to help them enhance their work for animals. Please help us by selecting projects, programs, organizations or individuals who you feel do exceptional work for animals. We have some 20 projects in 16 countries, but we know there are countless more people doing good work for animals who are in desperate financial need. If you know of an organization or individual that has the same passion and commitment as Brian does, please send an email to to make your nomination. We will announce the winners in September after carefully considering each submission.

With your help, NFA continues to fight for every single animal life. Once again, thank you for your generous donations which have made these life-saving campaigns possible.

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