• Image-by-Amy-Marie-Mallardi_Facebook-1.png Apr 12, 2019 • Highlight Global outrage over kangaroo locked in tiny cage Read more
  • guina-pig.png Apr 11, 2019 • Highlight Guinea pigs slaughtered and fed to other animals at Canadian zoo Read more
  • bonfire-horses-1.png Apr 10, 2019 • Highlight Horses forcibly “purified” in Spain’s bonfires Read more
  • Santorini.png Apr 09, 2019 • Highlight Remember not to ride donkeys in Santorini Read more
  • dog-garage.png Apr 07, 2019 • Highlight Tied up dog left to starve in airport garage for days Read more
  • china-cosmetic-testing.jpg Apr 04, 2019 • Highlight China bans cosmetic testing on animals Read more
  • cat-cannibalism.png Apr 03, 2019 • Highlight Gruesome cat cannibalism report emerges Read more
  • primate-lab.png Apr 02, 2019 • Highlight University dubbed ‘worst US primate lab’ Read more
  • drugged-orangutan.png Apr 02, 2019 • Highlight Drugged orangutan found in suitcase Read more
  • dog-dragged.png Apr 02, 2019 • Highlight Teen arrested for dragging chained dog on a road Read more
  • dog-hung.png Apr 01, 2019 • Highlight Puppy left dangling from a window by its neck as punishment for 'soiling in the house' Read more
  • bullfighting.png Mar 29, 2019 • Highlight Victory in Spain as court outlaws bullfighting at famous festival Read more
  • johnsom-johnson-featured.png Mar 29, 2019 • Highlight Johnson & Johnson bans swim tests on animals Read more
  • rhino-poachers-guilty.png Mar 28, 2019 • Highlight Rhino poachers convicted in South African High Court – finally, justice for a fragile species Read more
  • paul-david-tusks.png Mar 27, 2019 • Highlight Uganda report screams to the world: Africa’s elephants are as vulnerable as ever Read more
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