• orangatan.png Mar 26, 2019 • Highlight Orangutan shot 74 times with air gun pellets, loses her baby Read more
  • Lion-IMG_6963.jpg Mar 25, 2019 • Highlight UGANDA’S LION POPULATION DROPS 33 PER CENT IN TEN YEARS Read more
  • pangolin-featured.png Mar 22, 2019 • Highlight Dear Asia: Stop killing pangolins. Their extinction is around the corner. Read more
  • torture-devices.png Mar 21, 2019 • Highlight Dear Leaders – It’s time to ban the ‘jaws of death’ worldwide Read more
  • shelter-puppies.png Mar 20, 2019 • Highlight Selling live animals to laboratories is barbaric and should be illegal Read more
  • aniaml-trap.png Mar 19, 2019 • Highlight Leg-hold traps must be banned immediately says Network for Animals Read more
  • dogs-shot.png Mar 19, 2019 • Highlight Police shoot three dogs for no reason in Bahamas Read more
  • lion-rescue.png Mar 18, 2019 • Highlight Lions rescued from horrifying conditions in Ukraine and set free in South Africa Read more
  • Australian-Reptile-Smuggling.png Mar 15, 2019 • Highlight AUSTRALIAN REPTILE SMUGGLING RING BUSTED Read more
  • Monkeys-South-Africa.png Mar 14, 2019 • Highlight Monkeys poisoned in South Africa, reward offered Read more
  • Zimbabwe-Tusks.png Mar 13, 2019 • Highlight Ex-Zimbabwe mayor held for possession of elephant tusks Read more
  • Botswana-Eliphant-Poaching.png Mar 13, 2019 • Highlight BOTSWANA PRESIDENT CALLS IT A HOAX, BUT ELEPHANT POACHING IS INCREASING Read more
  • nambia-NFA.png Mar 11, 2019 • Highlight Namibia’s wild desert horses face extinction Read more
  • botswana-pet-food-news-release.png Mar 07, 2019 • Highlight NFA rejects turning elephants into pet food Read more
  • baby-rhino.png Mar 06, 2019 • Highlight Orphaned rhino highlights the tragedy of the trade in rhino horn Read more
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