• jumbo-featured.png Aug 03, 2018 • Highlight Mission Jumbo Underway! Read more
  • jumbo-featured-1.png Aug 03, 2018 • Highlight Mission Jumbo: The elephant countdown. Two days to go. Read more
  • jumbo-featured.png Aug 03, 2018 • Highlight Mission Jumbo: The countdown begins. Three days to go. Read more
  • donkeys-NFA.png Aug 03, 2018 • Highlight Australia seeks to stop the trade in donkeys before it starts Read more
  • santorini-followup-NFA.png Jul 30, 2018 • Highlight A victory for the donkeys or more empty promises? Read more
  • thunderstorm-NFA.png Jul 11, 2018 • Highlight Wildlife crime: global seizures and arrests in transcontinental operation Read more
  • rhino-july-NFA.png Jul 10, 2018 • Highlight Waiting for Freedom Read more
  • puppy-trade-nfa.png Jun 22, 2018 • Highlight Pet shop sales ban could help to end the misery of the illegal puppy trade Read more
  • dog-meat-fest-nfa.png Jun 21, 2018 • Highlight Yulin is the evil headquarters of China’s animal cruelty Read more
  • elephants-should-be-free.png Jun 21, 2018 • Highlight Elephants should be free! Read more
  • giraffe-day.png Jun 20, 2018 • Highlight Celebrate World Giraffe Day on 21 June! Read more
  • jumbo-featured-1.png Jun 07, 2018 • Highlight Lots of people talk, but NFA has a PLAN TO ACTUALLY SAVE elephants! Read more
  • NFA-plaque-featured.png Jun 04, 2018 • Highlight COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUE UNVEILED TO HONOUR ANIMAL RESCUE Read more
  • daphne-nfa-featured.png May 31, 2018 • Highlight PAL and NFA honour Daphne Sheldrick Read more
  • manny-test3.png May 31, 2018 • Highlight Will you stand with the Pride of the Philippines against animal cruelty? Read more
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