• ruth-featured.png Feb 20, 2018 • Highlight Ruth was being starved in her own home! Read more
  • dog-rescue-featured.png Feb 13, 2018 • Highlight Hidden dog holding pit discovered on recent raid! Read more
  • kruger-february-featured-replaced.png Feb 04, 2018 • Highlight This baby elephant broke my heart… Read more
  • dam-featured.png Jan 30, 2018 • Highlight Boiling oil is NO way to treat a dog! Read more
  • zim-elephants-petition.png Jan 23, 2018 • Highlight 31 baby elephants desperately need our help! Read more
  • biscotti-featured.png Jan 16, 2018 • Highlight Monsters tried to kill tiny puppies by dousing them with boiling water! Read more
  • addo-featured-image.png Jan 09, 2018 • Highlight Elephants could be wiped out in just over a decade! Read more
  • jordan-pressrelease-featured.png Dec 30, 2017 • Highlight Jordan is STILL KILLING EVERY STREET DOG IN JORDAN Read more
  • hope-ghost-dogs-featured-image.png Dec 19, 2017 • Highlight Abandoned and suffering Ghost Dogs need you NOW! Read more
  • vultures-featured.png Dec 12, 2017 • Highlight VULTURES NEED YOU Read more
  • shirley-fallen-angales-slider-1.png Nov 29, 2017 • Highlight 260 dogs would be dead if it were not for YOU! Read more
  • Brian-davies-Mato-Frankovic-2U1A9721.jpg Nov 28, 2017 • Highlight Brian Davies Salutes Mayor of Dubrovnik, Mato Frankovic Read more
  • turkey2-featured.jpg Nov 22, 2017 • Highlight The Authorities Are Secretly Killing Thousands of Dogs! Read more
  • lynx-featured.png Nov 21, 2017 • Highlight NFA Joins Call For Welsh Zoo To Close After Death Of Two Lynx Read more
  • fatwa-slider-1.png Nov 21, 2017 • Highlight JORDAN IS KILLING EVERY STREET DOG IN THE COUNTRY Read more
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