• Bali Government Officially Bans Dog Meat Trade with New Regional Regulations1 Feb 22, 2024 • News Bali government officially bans dog meat trade with new regional regulations Read more
  • credit_Dr. Lynn Simpson 2 Feb 20, 2024 • News NFA launches legal battle against livestock cruelty Read more
  • Millions of donkeys killed each year to make medicine 23 Feb 19, 2024 • News Millions of donkeys killed each year to make medicine Read more
  • Bullfighting is sadistic and despicable1 Feb 15, 2024 • News Bullfighting 'is sadistic and despicable', says Spain's new culture minister - but can animal activists get their hopes up? Read more
  • UK Cameraman Exposes Cat Meat Trade in Kuala Lumpur2 Feb 12, 2024 • News UK cameraman exposes cat meat trade in Kuala Lumpur; Malaysians demand legal intervention Read more
  • Bullfighting resumes in Mexico City for now Stock Images1 Feb 08, 2024 • News Bullfighting resumes in Mexico City for now, despite protests Read more
  • Chinese medicine ejiao facing blow to supply as Africa1 Pexels Feb 05, 2024 • News Chinese medicine Ejiao facing blow to supply as Africa, Brazil move to end donkey trade Read more
  • Why your dog helps you relax more than your friends do2 Feb 02, 2024 • News Why your dog helps you relax more than your friends do Read more
  • Banner_credit_NFA_Haldon-Krog-1030x579 Feb 02, 2024 • News Our supporters’ donations in action for animals in January. Read more
  • Meet Juanita and Lola-Pearl, the human-cat amputee duo helping others through animal therapy Credit AP1 Feb 01, 2024 • News Meet Juanita and Lola-Pearl, the human-cat amputee duo helping others through animal therapy Read more
  • Cats and Dogs Can Catch Your Winter Illnesses - Stock Images1 Jan 24, 2024 • News Cats and dogs can catch your winter illnesses, owners warned Read more
  • The Kingdom Of Bhutan Becomes The First Country In The World To Achieve 100 Dog Sterilization & Vaccination1 Jan 19, 2024 • News Bhutan becomes first country to sterilise all stray dogs after 14-year-long project Read more
  • Turkey’s Street Dog Euthanasia Law1 Jan 16, 2024 • News Proposed Turkish law threatens millions of street dogs Read more
  • New Zealand feral cat killing competition produces record haul1 Jan 16, 2024 • News ‘Like the devil on meth’: New Zealand feral cat killing competition produces record haul Read more
  • Eight cases of rabies have been confirmed in Cape fur seals along the Western Cape coast of South Africa.1 Jan 16, 2024 • News BREAKING NEWS: Eight cases of rabies have been confirmed in Cape fur seals along the Western Cape coast of South Africa. Read more
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