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A few months ago, we told you about Pepe, a Jordanian street dog who ran after a group of children throwing stones at him. He was captured, cruelly tied to the back of a car and mercilessly dragged along a road for several hundred meters.

Our partner, the Al Rabee Society for Nature and Animal Protection in Aqaba has been giving us regular updates on Pepe, and we are absolutely delighted to hear that he is doing exceptionally well!

According to Rodica Toma Atahamneh, who runs the shelter, Pepe is a ‘happy-go-lucky’ dog with a tremendously loving and caring nature. He was recently sterilized and has been declared fit and healthy by the vet.

Pepe is such a well-tempered and kind natured dog that his enclosure now usually helps hold new rescue puppies that Rodica receives. In fact, Pepe’s best friend is a puppy called Moza!

Rodica would love for Pepe to find a loving home; her search to find a home continues – Pepe carries with him a true story of strength and survival.

The Network for Animals team thanks its supporters for their generosity; without it, the chances of Pepe’s survival would have been slim. We are extremely fortunate to have your continued support to help abused and injured animals such as Pepe.

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