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Our work in Ukraine continues as the war rages on for the fourth month with no end in sight. The east of Ukraine has been severely affected by heavy fighting and now more and more people are fleeing for their lives, leaving abandoned animals in their wake.

On a recent feed and rescue mission into this dangerous region, our team dodged gunfire and explosions as they evacuated abandoned and desperate animals.

One of the dogs they rescued is an adorable four-month-old puppy named ‘Tripod.’ He was severely injured in an explosion near Severodonetsk and was lucky to have been found by soldiers, who took him to an infirmary. There, he was treated alongside wounded soldiers.


Tripod’s back paw was hanging by one tendon, and the only option was to amputate it. His other paws sustained injuries that also needed urgent medical care and he was suffering from enteritis (inflammation of the small intestine). The good-hearted medics decided to help the whimpering creature, who was clearly in a lot of pain, and he owes his life to their surgery. Tripod was then taken to an animal clinic in Kyiv. Luckily, he did well and is now in a foster home.

Our team has covered all Tripod’s bills and we have pledged to raise more funds for others like him. Will you help us? It’s the kindest gift you can give the desperate animals of Ukraine right now.

Help us to take action by donating today!

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Sadly, since writing this, the war clinic in Lysychansk no longer exists. We are not sure exactly what happened, but we can only assume that this little clinic was destroyed by constant bombing. In times of terrible trouble, good people band together to help and there are other little clinics that have sprung up which we support.


Please help us by donating now. The money raised will be used for medicines, fuel, food, and items such as syringes and surgical gloves which will help animals in desperate need, unfortunate victims of a senseless war. Your support is enormously important right now.

Help us to take action by donating today!

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Our brave partners go into the war zones repeatedly, delivering vitally important lifesaving medicines and equipment. Without us - without YOU - goodness knows how many dogs and cats would die.

Our teams are exhausted. We have been on the ground in the war for more than 100 days, but our commitment is unwavering. We will be there for the animals until this war stops. Please continue to stand alongside us in our crusade to save as many lives as possible.

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. These operations are hazardous, and our team must be protected by military personnel wherever we go, but the animals need us and we do as we must. Tripod is one of the thousands of abandoned animals your donations have helped us save. We have provided desperate animals with tons of food and, through our network, thousands of animals have been taken to shelters and foster homes around Ukraine. Our work is so important that we must continue, but we can only do so with your help. Please be as generous as you can right now.

Image credits: Banner & image 1: Vetmarket, Image 2: VegNews.UkraineVeternarian.VladyslavMatviichuk

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