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In South Africa’s slums, dogs are routinely cruelly abused, physically mistreated and starved. Our team is on the ground everyday bringing these poor dogs hope and love.

Dogs like Shirley, only a few days old, alone in the world, abandoned, shivering, starving and afraid.


Shirley was dumped and left to die in a rural slum near Malmesbury in the Western Cape.

My team were treating sick animals in the area when a breathless young woman hurried up and begged us to help her find an abandoned puppy she had seen in a dry river bed. Sure enough, there she was, a shiny a shivering bundle of fur – her eyes still not open.

We rushed Shirley to the vet and then to the Fallen Angels shelter we help to support. There she will be bottle fed hourly until she is well and then rehomed to a loving owner.

Fallen Angels love and care for 260 dogs in the shelter. Every one owes their lives to people like you.

Who knows what happened to Shirley’s mother – dead of disease, or starvation, stoned to death for fun, torn to death in illegal dog fighting?

In the lawless gangster-ridden South African slums, dogs are kidnapped to use as bait dogs in illegal dog fights, a horrifying ‘sport’, where fighting dogs rip peaceful dogs to death, so punters can judge their viciousness. Thanks to animal lovers like you and me, Shirley will never know that fate.

With our partner, Fallen Angels, we rescue, medically treat and rehome dogs, snatching them from abusers.

Every day, our team is on the ground providing help and hope to dogs where there is no other hope. Every one of the 260 dogs at Fallen Angels, would be dead without the help of people like you, – animal lovers who really care.

Please, make a generous donation today so we can continue to help dogs in distress in South Africa.

For Shirley and all the other animals,


P.S. Again – it’s the hard truth - Shirley and every one of the dogs at Fallen Angels would have had no chance were it not for the generosity of friends like you. If there is any way you can please donate so NFA can continue to help these poor dogs, these innocent Fallen Angels.


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