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Despite our best efforts, the badger cull began on Mon, 26 August.

It was a dark day for badgers, and indeed for democracy and science, both of which were trampled underfoot in the government's rush to appease the National Farmers Union by engaging in a cull that is unpopular, will not solve the bTB problem and will be very inhumane.

We are still working to save badgers. A group of National Trust members is trying to rally support to prevent the cull from happening on National Trust land. If you are a National Trust member please vote for the Motion at the National Trust AGM on Saturday 26th October in Cardiff, asking the Trust to vaccinate badgers on its land.

Whilst the Trust is piloting vaccination on one site, it is recommending its members reject the Motion and confirms that it cannot rule out badger culling on National Trust land.

If you are a member of the National Trust please use your vote, which they will send  to you shortly in the post, to let them know how you feel about badgers being vaccinated rather than culled on National Trust land. If you can attend the meeting on the 26th that would be very helpful to show the level of support for the Motion. Further details are available from National Trust member Jeanne Berry.

Please donate to our campaigning and welfare work.

If you haven’t yet done so, please email David Cameron with your thoughts.


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