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Pre-release commentary on The Independent Expert Panel review of the Gloucestershire and Somerset pilot badger cull report major failures:

1. Not enough badgers were killed for the cull to be effective.
2. The cull was inhumane.

This should not be news.

Network For Animals believe both of these points should have been foregone conclusions to the government. The Independent Scientific Group review of the previous decade long, government cull made clear in 2007 that badger culling is inneffective and often detrimental in the fight against TB in cattle. In fact, the introductory letter on page 3 made this clear.

We at Network For Animals, and the badger loving community as a whole, petition Owen Patterson to now end badger culling once and for all. We encourage him to use British tax money to support badger vaccination projects, as our kind donors have been supporting them since 2011, and report publicly on the progress of the governments own Badger Vaccine Deployment Project.

We await the final IEP report and thank you for your support.


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