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Dubrovnik’s street dogs face another harsh winter, but the mayor is fighting for them.

World renowned animal welfare figure Brian Davies has saluted Mato Frankovic, the new mayor of Dubrovnik, for his efforts to create the famous city’s first official animal shelter.

“Mato Frankovic personally promised me that if he was elected mayor, he would help the city’s street dogs and I really must congratulate him for his commitment to keep that promise,” said Davies, head of Network for Animals (NFA), an international animal welfare organization with more than 400,000 supporters. “Mayor Frankovic is doing his best to create a new, modern shelter but it can’t be done overnight. I estimate it might be another year before Dubrovnik’s street dogs move into their new shelter.”

Davies recently visited Dubrovnik for the third time in just over a year seeking to find ways to help the animals and after the meeting with mayor he reports that progress is being made. “In the midst of process of finding the suitable land where a modern shelter will be built, The City of Dubrovnik recently placed an order for 100 kennels to help the dogs through the coming winter”, said Davies.

During the latest meeting, Mayor Frankovic gave Mr. Davies an insight in latest development regarding City’s firm plans to build a new animal shelter. “In the meantime, the City of Dubrovnik will provide all needed help for volunteers to make it through this coming winter, including extra funds for additional help in man-power and brand-new kennels for dogs”, said mayor Frankovic.

He also mentioned that after some critique was made from the volunteers of Zarkovica shelter considering the quality of provided dog food, City of Dubrovnik ordered additional test analysis which once again proved that product supplied by the City is in accordance to dog food regulations and quality standards regarding both ingredients and nutrition facts.

Brian Davies and mayor Frankovic agreed that Zarkovica’s Sandra Sambrailo does wonderful work for the dogs under the most difficult circumstances. “She was there to help the dogs when no one else cared,” said Davies. “She and a few volunteers care for the dogs who shelter on a steep mountainside that is freezing cold and wet in winter and baking hot in summer.”

Davies concluded that things are looking much better for the dogs, but also added that Network for Animals will continue to support Zarkovica until the new shelter is complete and ready to accommodate dogs. “The care and help shown by the NFA is much appreciated by the City authorities”, said mayor Frankovic thanking Mr. Davies for all his efforts in this matter.


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