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NFA scrambles disaster relief teams in wake of typhoon Haiyan.

Typhoon Haiyan struck the eastern seaboard of the Philippines on 8 Nov with enough force to have it classified as the strongest storm to ever make landfall. In a matter of hours, the 195 mile per hour winds, rains and storm surges wreaked havoc. In some towns 100% of the buildings were irreparably damaged and power, clean water and communications cut off. The government and major aid agencies are understandably overwhelmed in the face of such widespread devastation and are struggling to reach remote communities where people are without any food or water. The authorities are predicting a death toll in the tens of thousands.

Based on the human toll and the destruction of infrastructure, we know that animals will be in desperate need of help. The government doesn't provide any disaster relief for animals, so it is up to groups like NFA to do what we can. While numerous animals will have died, the survivors will be in dire need of food and veterinary care. In many, many cases, our disaster relief teams will provide the only life saving help animals will get. We have staff onsite in the Philippines who are putting together disaster relief teams, buying food and veterinary supplies en masse and moving into position to deploy to the worst hit areas as soon as we can.

Your support is vital to our efforts and will inspire and equip our disaster relief teams working round the clock to save as many animals as possible.

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