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You did it! Thanks to our supporters, we raised enough money to rescue four doomed ponies and are paying for food and medical care for them. They are now safe at the HUGS Foundation in Bodmin, England.

The badly abused ponies were abandoned in Surrey, 200 miles (360 kilometers) from HUGS, but the rescuers could not look after them. They approached HUGS, HUGS approached us, we asked for your help and you responded. Thank you, and thank you to all the animal lovers who made this rescue possible.

One of the ponies is already receiving urgent medical treatment for what appears to be injuries after being struck by a moving vehicle. The poor thing’s wounds were oozing puss, but thanks to the HUGS medical team, he’s going to be fine. Mission accomplished…

BUT, these ponies who will help vulnerable children need long-term care.


HUGS already looks after 40 horses and ponies - most rescued from cruel situations or heartlessly abandoned. These animals are also in danger because the good people at HUGS are struggling to feed and care for them. Many of the ponies are used to help vulnerable children. Contact with the ponies helps the children's emotional and mental health, providing long-term benefits.


The ponies you helped save will one day, bring vulnerable children such joy. Thank you again - your donation ensures the ponies will live in safety and repay your generosity by helping children in need.

In this time of the corona crisis, we are flooded with requests for help from around the world. We are doing our best to help everywhere we can. We know that any minute now, we will open our email and find many more requests to help animals caught up in the corona crisis.

Thanks to you, we will not let them down.

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Founders Network for Animals

P.S. Overnight, we received requests for assistance from Malta, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Jordan, Greece and Serbia. These are terrifying times - please donate generously so we can increase our efforts to help all kinds of animals, all around the world.


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