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When Harvey made landfall in Texas last week as a devastating Category 4 hurricane, we asked for your urgent help. You came through for the animals with flying, soaring colors.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I am so proud to tell you that Network for Animals supporters have donated more than $50,000 to help the Houston SPCA rescue, shelter, and save the lives of the animals of the Gulf Coast.

Barely a week ago, I thought, “If we can even send $5,000, that will be amazing.” In just over 48 hours after Hurricane Harvey made landfall, your love and generosity raised ten times that amount.


It may be one of the highest individual pledges the Houston SPCA has ever received. The animals of Hurricane Harvey say... THANK YOU!

You... made it happen.

As Texas floodwaters recede, you will be pleased to know your donation is still saving lives. The Houston SPCA just sent wonderful news of recent rescues you made possible:

  • Over 90 injured, orphaned, and wild animals were rescued on August 31st alone – including two, now-safe newborn beavers;
  • Transports of adoptable animals are underway to Atlanta, St. Louis, Connecticut, and New York to make room for more incoming storm victims;
  • A distribution hub has been established to bring pet supplies to shelters, rescues, and families throughout the region;
  • Donation “pods” are being set up at neighborhood centers, churches, and libraries;
  • And, of course, active rescues will continue for as long as it takes.

Thank you so much for being a friend to the animal victims of Hurricane Harvey, and the brave rescuers at Houston SPCA who are saving lives.


You’ve already been so generous and I am beyond grateful.

If you are able and inspired to help us be ready with aid for the animals when terrifying storms like these and other disasters threaten, please give what you can.

Again, I am overcome with gratitude to you for helping after Hurricane Harvey. Time is so critical in these situations. Every bit you give is a huge help!

What an honor it is to be able to count you among the Network for Animals team. Thank you, thank you.

For the animals of the Gulf Coast, and everywhere,


P.S. If you want to help more, you can donate any amount you choose in just one click. Your commitment is deeply, and daily, appreciated. Thank you again.


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