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Horse fighting is a callous, brutal, and pitifully outdated form of ‘entertainment’, in which two stallions are forced to kick, bite and maul each other until one submits, flees, or dies.

In April 2014, Network For Animals sent an undervocer team to Bukidnon, one of 26 provinces (an area of land similar to a county or state) on the island of Mindanao, in the south Philippines. In 2012, we believed we had wiped out horse fighting in Bukidnon, however the video our operatives shot below clearly demonstrates that we were wrong:

In the video you will clearly hear the sound of children, who are indoctrinated locally to enjoy horse fighting as part of the local culture. This isn't a view the Philippines government share: The bloodsport was made illegal in 1998, but sadly punishments are so unconvincingly low, and persuasion from organised crime so pervasive, the spectacle is still practiced in many areas of the island of Mindanao today.

With your support, Network For Animals plan to quantify the full scale of horse fighting on Mindanao in 2014, and to work province by province to stamp it out. We begin with Bukidnon, the area the footage above was shot this April. Today, please:

1. Learn more about horse fighting.

2. Write to the Provincial Governor of Bukidnon, the first province we are focussing on.

3. Make a donation to give this campaign the financial support it needs.


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