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The scenes in this page are taking place right now in the Philippines to celebrate World Animal Day, thanks to the generosity of Network for Animals supporters. You can learn more about how our project is making a difference to more than 100 animals in the video above, and make your donation here.

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Our veterinarian Medino Yebron, has battled for decades in the Philippines to tackle organized horse fighting, end the dog meat trade, and vastly improve the perspective of how animals should be treated by human beings.

With your support, Dr Yebron has today begun a two day marathon of work in celebration of World Animal Day, including:

  • Neutering and vaccinating 80 dogs.
  • Vaccinating 50 horses and educating their owners about better animal care.
  • Educating Veterinary Medicine students from Central Mindanao University in Bukidnon, Philippines.

Your support is absolutely vital in making this happen, so please make a donation for World Animal Day today, no matter how small, and know that deserving animals' lives are being changed because of your generosity.


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