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In May 2011, Network for Animals gave Cornwall Badger Rescue a grant to help them continue their great work rescuing badgers in the South West.

Cornwall Badger Rescue is the only rescue operation in Cornwall and Bob, the man behind it, covers the whole region personally, rescuing predominantly badgers, but also foxes, hedgehogs and any other wild animals that other welfare groups aren’t able to come out for.

Bob rescues the badgers, rears them by hand, takes them to the vet, rehabilitates them and then helps preparation to be re-released into the wild.  He has built a facility in a barn which replicates the temperature and climate of badger setts where badgers are able to rest and acclimatise in preparation for their release.  Rescued badgers are delivered to Secret World, a sanctuary in Somerset, after they are fully healed.  This sanctuary facilitates the re-introduction of badgers to the wild as they are separated from humans and their surroundings replicate those of the natural environment.

As Cornwall Badger Rescue survives entirely on donations, we felt that a donation from our supporters could help them continue their great work.  Money donated to Cornwall Badger Rescue is spent on milk supplements for badger cubs, TB and coxidia tests, rescue equipment, special cages and transport costs.

At a time when badgers are a target for attacks and under threat of another cull, we are delighted to support the work of a badger rescue operation and hope that it can continue.


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