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New cooperation between Network for Animals and the Philippines government signals a new era in the campaign to end the illegal trade in dog meat.

After years of diplomatic and political pressure, 2012 has seen a huge step forward in our operation in the Philippines.  Following letters between our ambassador in Manila, Stephen Lillie, and the Philippines government, a meeting was set up between Network for Animals and the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG). The ensuing pledges of commitment spell potentially positive news for combined efforts to end the illegal dog meat trade in the region.

Our campaign to date has predominantly encompassed work on the ground seizing dogs from the dog meat trade, political outreach both within the UK and the Philippines calling for stricter enforcement of anti-dog meat legislation and the mobilisation of our supporters in letter writing campaigns and demonstrations.  The new collaboration between DILG and NFA means another prong of attack in trying to end this brutal industry once and for all.

The expanded scope of DILG's efforts to end the dog meat trade will include providing stricter guidance and observation of police and regional government regarding their efforts to tackle the dog meat trade, in addition to the raiding and shutting down of a slaughterhouse discovered on the outskirts of Manila and Korean restaurants serving dog meat in Baguio.  DILG will also monitor the current dog meat cases being pursued by the National Bureau of Investigation and ensure that prosecutions are swift and effective.

Executive Director of NFA, Andrew Plumbly, said: "We are thrilled to see that DILG is following through on their earlier stated commitment to work with us - something that doesn't always happen in the developing world - and will continue to press them to see this through till the end."

Upcoming meetings with the Criminal Investigative branch of the Philippines National Police are due to happen soon, which will result in a Memorandum of Agreement and a work-plan centred around additional raids on Baguio restaurants.  In addition to this, our team in the Philippines will have regular meetings to be kept abreast of efforts and our hope is that the new level of cooperation will ultimately lead to the demise of this illegal practice.


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