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In February the British Government announced that it is determined to press ahead with its misguided plans for a cull of English badgers in June, despite overwhelming opposition from the scientific, political and animal welfare communities.

Please join Network for Animals and the whole of Team Badger to reaffirm your commitment to finding a humane solution to the problem of TB in cattle:

1. Please visit our Shooting in the Dark campaign site and write to Owen Paterson, Secretary of State for Defra. This will take less then a minute and it doesn't matter if you've written to him before, please write to him again - we need to keep up the pressure!

2. Share the Shooting in the Dark site widely with your friends. Download a Facebook Cover Photo and Twitter and Facebook Profile Photos to let people see your opposition to the cull.

3. If you are able to contribute to our campaign fund we can further help local groups offer badger vaccination programmes to landowners who don't wish to have a cull on their land. Your donation can really make a difference.

The Government has chosen to ignore the will of Parliament, the voices of the masses and the evidence of the country's leading scientists. We must act now to keep their hands off our wildlife.


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