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Network for Animals launches SHOOTING IN THE DARK campaign in a new attempt to halt the misguided slaughter of thousands of badgers.

The Coalition Government has decided to conduct a pilot cull of badgers in England this September in a misguided attempt to solve the bovine TB crisis, even though the majority of badgers do not even carry the disease.

They intend to do this by shooting badgers as they roam during the night: an untested, inhumane method.  These plans were put forward despite the fact that a 10-year study performed by The Independent Scientific Group (ISG) on bovine TB, which cost taxpayers nearly £50 million, concluded that culling badgers would make no meaningful contribution to bovine TB control in Britain and could indeed increase the spread of the disease.

Andrew Plumbly, Executive Director of Network for Animals (NFA), says, “This current policy is the work of a Government shooting in the dark, hoping for a quick-fix solution to a complex issue.  NFA is calling for action that does not involve the near-eradication of the beloved badger.  This includes; improved cattle welfare, effective biosecurity and increased research and the implementation of a vaccination program.”

The Shooting in the Dark campaign has two key objectives: to mobilise our supporters to contact the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and demonstrate the widespread opposition to the cull, and for people living in the pilot cull areas of West Somerset and West Gloucestershire to contact their local councils and ask for culling not to take place on council land.  According to guidelines for the cull, 70% of landowners in the area must allow access to their land, meaning that together we have a chance to stop the culling before it starts.

The campaign to stop the culling of badgers in favour of vaccination in Wales was a success.  We can do the same.  This is your last chance to save English badgers before the slaughter begins.

If you think the Government is shooting in the dark please contact Caroline Spelman, Secretary of State for Defra, to voice your opposition.


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