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This year will mark 19 years since I set Network For Animals against the Philippine dog meat trade. From Day One I knew it would be tough, but once I’d witnessed the dogs’ agony and torture, I could never give in.

On December 4, 2008, two dog meat traders were driving north on a Manila highway. Unknown to them, my Philippine team leader Mel Alipio had been monitoring them for a month.


Our team forced their truck from the road and discovered 67 dogs crammed into a wooden cage. All were bound at the nose and either dead or dying. The dogs were destined to be cooked and served, illegally, in restaurants for human consumption. This was the illegal trade at its worst.

Today, eight years on from that fateful discovery, Network for Animals has finally succeeded in convicting, fining and imprisoning the traders. Both were convicted under the Philippine Anti-Rabies Act and each served with a one-year prison sentence and fined 335,000 Pesos ($6,400 / £5,300 / €6,400).


This is a landmark victory which will have serious impact on many others still involved in this cruel and illegal trade. It wouldn’t have been possible without your support.

Network for Animals has another 14 active cases against dog meat traders. For every innocent dog tortured in the dog meat trade, it is essential we have the resources to win.

Your support is vital. Please enable our team to continue investigating, raiding and prosecuting dog meat traders, with your donation today. Together we will succeed.

For the animals,



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