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In the wake of Cecil the lion's death last July, we asked what it says about a company if they are happy to profit from trophy hunting. We asked you to sign our petition to the CEO of Fedex, and our petition to the CEO of UPS, asking them to stop transporting animals killed by trophy hunters.

Thousands of NFA supporters have signed and shared, and expressed their anger and disappointment at Fedex and UPS on social media. As yet, Fedex have made no statement.

UPS, on the other hand, have stated that they have no intention of bowing to public pressure and will continue to cash in on the deaths of animals at the hands of trophy hunters.


Please sign our petition to the CEO of Fedex

Please sign our petition to the CEO of UPS


There may be as few as 20,000 lions left on the planet. Yet it is perfectly legal for wealthy men and women to "trophy hunt" these endangered creatures. Sick individuals like Walter Palmer, who killed Cecil,  want to show off the heads of lions, and other trophy kills in their homes and offices. Companies such as UPS and Fedex are complicit in this depraved activity. We must keep up the pressure on them to end the transport of trophy hunted animals. If trophy hunters can't show off their kills at home, there will be less incentive for them to go on their psychopathic killing holidays in the first place.

The Good News

NFA is pleased to report that British MEP Neena Gill has tabled a Written Declaration in the European Parliament calling for a ban on trophy hunting imports into the European Union. In this Declaration, Ms Gill draws attention to the fact that between 2004 and 2013, over 27 000 trophies originating from Africa and America were imported into Europe. Laws must be tightened to prevent this from happening, and MEPs from all 28 EU Member Countries should work together to make this a reality.

Ms Gill also hosted a meeting on 24th February 2016 at the European Parliament to discuss current and potential future EU policy on the trophy hunting issue. We urge you to contact your MEP and ask them if they attended the meeting, and if they have signed the Declaration.


Please sign our petition to the CEO of Fedex

Please sign our petition to the CEO of UPS



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