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Network for Animals have joined forces with the Wounded Badger Patrols of Gloucestershire, Somerset and Dorset in 2015 to protect our nation's badgers from another inhumane cull.

Becoming a Wounded Badger Patroller is an entirely legal way of taking direct action to protect badgers, fight the badger cull, and to fight the spread of Bovine TB through inexplicable government policy.

We encourage our supporters to learn more by emailing:

Gloucestershire: info@glosagainstbadgershooting.org

Somerset: somersetbadgerpatrol@gmail.com

Dorset: dorsetbbw@gmail.com

People of all levels of mobility should consider applying and low-cost hotels and B&Bs are available for overnight stays.

Daytime patrols are also incredibly helpful if you are unavailable, or do not wish to take part in an evening patrol.



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