Dubrovnik-2U1A0976-LUKES.jpg Dubrovnik-2U1A0976-LUKES.jpg

If you watch Game of Thrones, you will know that "Winter is Coming" warns of tough times ahead. Sadly, the street dogs of Dubrovnik – renamed Kings Landing in the hit show – are facing a very tough winter.

The dogs cling to life on an exposed mountainside with no secure shelter from howling wind and torrential rain. It’s pitiful to see them huddling together in misery.

Sandra Sambrailo and a handful of volunteers have cared for the 376 dogs who live on the mountain for the past 14 years, but she is near the end of her strength.

Mato Francovic, the recently elected mayor of Dubrovnik has promised to build a modern animal shelter, but it will be next spring before it’s ready. He is helping Sandra with food and dog kennels, but he is bound by rules and regulations that limit what he can do.

I have stepped in to help because the loving, friendly dogs deserve it. In the last 15 months, we helped get rid of a corrupt mayor, paid for fencing and food, hired a full-time worker for Sandra’s Zarcovica shelter and are working with the new mayor to ensure the coming shelter is state-of-the-art. But now I face another challenge, I need help get the dogs through the winter and I need help to pay for veterinary care, special food and more shelters. I need you. Please give generously if you possibly can.

[gallery ids="https://networkforanimals.org/wp-content/uploads/Dubrovnik-2U1A0976-LUKES.jpg|,https://networkforanimals.org/wp-content/uploads/dubrovnik-2U1A0990-LUKES.jpg|,https://networkforanimals.org/wp-content/uploads/Dubrovnik-shelter-dogs-2.jpg|,https://networkforanimals.org/wp-content/uploads/Dubrovnik-shelter-dogs.jpg|,https://networkforanimals.org/wp-content/uploads/Sandra-Sambrailo-with-Mato-Frankovic_MG_5291.jpg|"]

In Game of Thrones the motto is simply “Winter is Coming.” But let you and I adopt a new one: “Winter is Coming, but we will provide warmth and shelter.”

For the animals,


Brian Davies,


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