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Network for Animals, along with our partner Argos Ithaki Animal Welfare, helps to feed and care for hundreds of street cats on the island of Ithaca in Greece.

Recently, our team visited the region during one of ARGOS’ sterilization days, set up at a temporarily clinic. During the day, a terribly sick kitten was rushed in. Emaciated, covered in parasites and barely clinging to life, this tiny little animal stole our hearts, and we were all heavily invested in her recovery. Few thought she would survive.

We are thrilled to say that thanks to the wonderful care she received from ARGOS volunteers and the vets who volunteered their time, little Lenio pulled through!

“Lenio is now the cutest little bundle of joy,” says Katerina Raftopoulou of ARGOS. “Very loving, very affectionate, [and] in need of human companionship. She thinks she is a tiger and spends all day lunging at things and planning attacks. Her little tummy is huge, [which] matches her heart and will to live. She is blind in one eye but that does not affect her in the slightest. Now she is happy and healthy [and] is looking for a loving forever home with a family eager to give her the love she deserves and almost never had.”

Many cats in Ithaca do not get the happy ending that Lenio did, which is why we work so hard to provide life-saving care, food and sterilization to the cats of the region. Please keep supporting our work – without you, miracle recoveries like Lenio’s would not be possible.

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