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The dog meat trade is a vile attack on nature, perpetuated by criminals seeking to make money from the abuse of animals. Network for Animals has fought the dog meat trade since 1997, and our latest raid occurred on March 28th 2016.




Following weeks of surveillance, our team arrived at the compound in Batangas, Philippines, with a team of three unarmed police officers. As our team entered, two large men kept attempted to block our path but did not resist for long. We moved carefully however, after spotting a pistol magazine on top of a small table.

As we began searching the area, a dog meat trader inside a small hut opened up a cage and released an estimated 21 dogs, who immediately scampered down a creek to escape the area.

Finding the remaining dogs took a great deal of effort, not least due to the summer temperature having hit 39 degrees celsius. Eventually, following the sound of whimpering, we came across the cage featured in the video above. No food. No water. Just fifteen dogs, most clinging to life, all with barely space to move.

We carried all surviving dogs up the mountain and loaded them to an ambulance where we gave them water. Most drank like they had never tasted it before - utter desperation.  We then carefully transported them to the PSPCA pound, for veterinary treatment and to work towards rehabilitation and rehoming.

If these dogs had made it to slaughter, they would have experienced a barbaric death, been butchered, and sent to the north of the Philippines where there meat would have been sold as food for humans. Thanks to years of work by ourselves and others, the sale of dog meat is illegal and the general perception of dog meat as human food is drastically changing. You can learn more about the Dog Meat Trade in our campaigns area.

Our team were relieved to escape this experience with their lives. Please show them your support by making a  donation, no matter how small.


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