• fallen-angels-news-june2019.png Jun 25, 2019 • Highlight Children show no mercy for pups in township, sets them alight Read more
  • Thai-Animal-Sanctuary-News2019.png Jun 20, 2019 • Highlight The self-sacrificing work of animal sanctuaries, and their desperate cry for help Read more
  • Hans-News-Featured.png Jun 19, 2019 • Highlight Heavy rains wreak havoc at Thai Animal Sanctuary Read more
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  • shock-collar.png Jun 10, 2019 • Highlight The Netherlands outlaws dog shock collars Read more
  • whaling.png Jun 10, 2019 • Highlight Japan begins whale hunting after 30 years Read more
  • animal-shelter1.png Jun 07, 2019 • Highlight Donations help us curb the untold suffering of dogs around the world Read more
  • animal-shelter2.png Jun 07, 2019 • Highlight The state of animal shelters is reaching an all-time low Read more
  • croatia-news-featured.png Jun 05, 2019 • Highlight 300 dogs in Croatia depend on us to survive Read more
  • pangolins-tusks-NFA.png Jun 05, 2019 • Highlight Two pangolins, 272 kg of elephant tusks seized from suspected poachers in Namibia Read more
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  • botswana-facts-NFA.png May 31, 2019 • Highlight Botswana’s elephants: myths vs facts Read more
  • Botswana-News-NFA.png May 30, 2019 • Highlight The impact of Botswana’s hunting decision will be felt across Africa Read more
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