• alex-cearns-featured.png Feb 16, 2019 • Highlight The beauty of Animal Rescue Read more
  • hurricane-irma-main-01-as-170909_12x5_992.jpg Feb 16, 2019 • Highlight CATASTROPHE! Please help the animals! Read more
  • screen_shot_2017-09-08_at_8.10.33_am-1.png Feb 16, 2019 • Highlight Irma Roars North: Please help the animals! Read more
  • video.jpg Feb 16, 2019 • Highlight Thank you for everything you do for dogs. Read more
  • rhino-namibia.png Feb 15, 2019 • Highlight 57 rhinos poached for their horns in Namibia Read more
  • baby-elephant-NFA.png Feb 13, 2019 • Highlight 35 more baby elephants being sent from Zimbabwe to lives of hell in China Read more
  • flamingos-featured.png Feb 13, 2019 • Highlight Flamingo chicks found dehydrated and starving Read more
  • Addo-Kennel.png Feb 07, 2019 • Highlight NFA provides modern kennels for anti-poaching dogs in South Africa Read more
  • image1-2.jpg Jan 31, 2019 • Highlight The canine wounds that only one man can heal. Read more
  • CAR-Featured.png Jan 24, 2019 • Highlight We rescue a dog paralysed after meat cleaver attack Read more
  • cali-fire.png Jan 24, 2019 • Highlight NFA rushes aid to help California fire animals Read more
  • vietnam-ivory-featured.png Jan 04, 2019 • Highlight Vietnam continues to be a major centre of ivory trading Read more
  • ivory-sales-NFA.png Dec 03, 2018 • Highlight Singapore seeks a ban on ivory sales Read more
  • bovine-NFA.png Nov 15, 2018 • Highlight Godfray Review shifts focus from badgers to farmers Read more
  • badger-cull-NFA.png Oct 30, 2018 • Highlight Lies, damn lies and statistics Read more
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