• Katrina-Pitbull.jpg Aug 29, 2017 • Highlight Epic Flooding Hits Texas: Help the Animals NOW! Read more
  • Thailand-Subj.1-FEATURE.jpg Aug 29, 2017 • Highlight Who would abandon Alberto! Read more
  • image2-2.jpg Aug 22, 2017 • Highlight 300 dogs like poor, blind Frisky face a hungry and uncertain future. Read more
  • Mozambique-Rhino-Horn.png Aug 16, 2017 • Highlight Rhino horn crisis to get worse as South Africa legalises trade Read more
  • Snookie-1.png Aug 08, 2017 • Highlight Thailand’s street dogs deserve a life worth living Read more
  • rhino.jpg Aug 07, 2017 • Highlight More than 500 South African rhinos were killed for their horns in the first six months of this year Read more
  • image1.jpg Aug 01, 2017 • Highlight The very latest from our vital TEARS dog rescue team. Read more
  • Bear.png Jul 28, 2017 • Highlight Here is an amazing update from the field Read more
  • greece-cats.jpg Jul 26, 2017 • Highlight Greek cats get a helping hand from NFA Read more
  • Pico-news.jpg Jul 25, 2017 • Highlight Pico: Tiny, alone, and utterly desperate. Read more
  • dogs-dubrovnik.jpg Jul 21, 2017 • Highlight Potential Site for New Animal Shelter Visited by Mayor of Dubrovnik Read more
  • Video-featured-1.jpg Jul 18, 2017 • Highlight Help us fight the Philippine Dog Meat Trade Read more
  • lynx.jpg Jul 11, 2017 • Highlight Lynx could return to Britain this year after absence of 1,300 years Read more
  • video1-1.jpg Jul 11, 2017 • Highlight Katerina, the Ghost Dog who lost almost everything. Read more
  • video-1.jpg Jul 11, 2017 • Highlight It's Do or Die for the Dogs in Distress in Dubrovnik Read more
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